A road bike is different from other bikes because of its build and purpose. It is one that is built for endurance and used primarily on the paved roads. Unlike mountain bikes which are used off-road, the road bikes are used for utility purposes, running of errands, commuting among many others.
They come in different sizes and designs as they are mainly for distance and speed. They have a light frame structure with handlebars that drop, narrow and have high-pressure tires. It is important to have the exact bike for self so as to achieve the desired goal. Let's ride the bike basics.

Safety First:
When you see ‘how' know it is a process. So we go safety road of self. Wear your helmet and riding gear at all times when riding. It may not entirely guarantee your life 100% but it protects to a level of damage when the head and body meets the road, poles, and obstacles. The reflector is something else to have so as to be seen by all.
Dress the screaming fluorescent reflective cloth at all times. The bike always has reflective stickers on it for further sighting by a motorist and other road users. Don't forget to be alert while riding and use road signs and bike paths.
Just before mounting the bike, adjust the seat to suit you to a comfortable level. Ensure that you have the right size.
Check the wheels are in good shape and the saddle is rightly fixed. As all will enhance posture and the coordination of the body and the bike. Climbing a bike is quite a task that one gains skill with time.
But once gained it becomes an easy task to do. Different people mount in a different style and ways. One can mount while on the go or at standstill. Depends on the preference. Always mount the bike in a safe spot and space away from traffic.
Hold the brakes using both hands to steady the bike, lean the bike to self as you swing the right leg preferably over the bike and seat comfortably. Practice it over and over to get the hang of it.
Note if the saddle is in the right position then efficiency is achieved. A low saddle makes one exhausted faster and it is not a good thing. If it is too high it will cause the hips to rock, making one uncomfortable and a lot of energy wasted.
This may lead to injury. Usually, the right saddle makes the rider to bend slightly with knees angled approximately 25 degrees. Get the right tilt for your body structure to provide good body support.
Learning to balance a bike is the most important aspect of riding efficiently. It is achieved when one moves the bike under them and in turn, learn to turn the handlebars a bit in the side of fall.
This act instinctively felt by riders and eventually progress it to a technique. Balance is further acquired as one steers themselves off to ride. Do not give your own bike to your child. Better you could give tricycle for kids and let them ride.
You become a better rider after several falls and wrong twists. This enhances efficiency as posture is gained with every progress of better balance. Just learn to maintain the weight of your body at the center of the road bike. Distribute your body evenly between the right and left the side of the legs.
This is where it gets lit. With balance perfected and gravitational pull effected, the feet meet the pedals one at a time. Start by pushing oneself off using the tip of the foot. And while the bike is in motion retain balance as much as you can. After several training, the gliding is easy as the feet cycle. The cycle gets lighter with every smooth glide as one now controls the brakes well and coordination is well balanced.
At this point, one gains lots of techniques. One is able to pedal, brake and gear smoothly with such mastery. Practice is the main key to good riding. The faster one rides the easier balancing is but don't lose control. What feels right is said to be the most efficient. However higher strokes are ideal and efficient. To be better keep riding and cycling as it improves the peddling action.
Basic Tips:
A road bicycle is challenging yet fun and also provides a great body work out. Comes in handy for commuters. With a luggage carrier built on it helps with ferrying luggage. For better efficiency always practice, practice, and practice more. Also, get to watch the various professional cyclist how they pedal, apply gear and break all smoothly.
Learn how to still the hips and the cadence control with every glide. Steady cadence on ascent is a technique to learn. It helps once blend with the bike effortlessly. Fitness is handy to gain better techniques for great efficiency. Maintain the bike in good order and ant sound of chirp calls for lubrication. Expect to put more time to gain more.
Relevant Resources:

Hello Guys! I am John Reese, a professional biker and my hobby is biking! I have been biking for last 12 years and I love using bikes while outing as well. Based on my experiences with the different type of bikes (mountain bikes, road bikes and hybrid bikes); I am sharing my opinion about various bikes so that a beginner can get started right away. Happy reading!